Personal Safety

Avoiding Burns

Image of Neoprene Gloves

Burns and scalds can be caused by griddle, fryers, stoves, toaster, hot utensils, boiling liquids, hot pots, steam, hot foods.

  1. Wear Neoprene safety gloves when the cleaning the fryers and the griddle
  2. Assume all pots and metal handles are hot
  3. Allow fryer grease to cool to 160 degrees before filtering or disposing
  4. Do not leave metals spoons in pots while cooking
  5. Do not overstretch to reach an uncomfortable distance

Slips and FallsImage of Wet Floor Sign

Observe the following rules to prevent slips and falls:

  1. Wear the proper shoes
  2. Keep floors clean and dry
  3. Use warning signs for wet floors
  4. Point out spills to others and immediately proceed to mop up

Shoes Image of shoes

Shoes with the following attributes must be worn for safety reasons.

Proper Lifting Image of Proper Lifting

  1. Size up the load
  2. Back strait - butt out - head forward
  3. Bend at knees
  4. Lift

Knife Safety

Image of Knife Use

Fryer SafetyImage of Fryer

  • Never spill water into fryer
  • When filtering or changing oil:
    • turn fryer off and allow the oil to cool to 160 degrees before handling the oil
    • wear Neoprene safety gloves
    • do not attempt to lift a full pot of oil, use small ladling pan instead
    • do not stand on a ladder or step-stool for filtering or changing hot fryer oil
    • follow fryer oil filtering and fryer oil changing instructions on the shift duties tablet

Non-Escalation Policy

A positive outcome for any interaction with a disruptive customer is what we want. It is therefore vitally important that you do not "engage verbally" with or react to disruptive customers in a way that might escalate the "situation". Remain calm, do not argue, and never engage physically with anyone.

No Hats, Hoodies or Sunglasses Policy

Image This purpose of this customer policy is to add another layer of protection. For those customers who fail to notice the sign, politely say "for safety reasons, please remove your hat, hoodie, and/or sunglasses".

Cleaning a Vomit or Fecal Incident


Emergency Procedures

Media RelationsImage of News Reporter

Our reputation can be harmed by an improperly handled news story. Therefore at no time are employees authorized to speak to a member of the media including giving any information to TV, radio or newspaper reporters without specific authorization by company president, Tom Aldridge.

If a reporter and/or camera person enters the restaurant, politely inform them that they must leave their contact information or contact company president, Tom Aldridge at (414) 271-5050.

Foodborne Illness

If a customer contacts your location claiming to have become ill as a result of eating our food, contact your store manager immediately.

If there is a clearly identified product that is the suspected cause, take possession of the product, including the container that the food came in, if available.

Let the customer know that management will be in contact with them. DO NOT admit any guilt or responsibility, as the complete situation may NOT yet be clear.

Contact your store manager with the information that you gathered.

Customer Injury

If the injury is life threatening, call 911.

Gather as much information as possible about the incident as follows:

  1. What exactly happened?
  2. When and where did it happen?
  3. What was the customer doing at the time it occurred?
  4. Were there any witnesses?
  5. Customer's Name and Telephone Number.

Important things to remember when interacting with an injured customer:

  • Do not put yourself in danger trying to provide aid
  • Stay calm, as the injured person may be in shock or disoriented
  • Stay with the injured employee; let them know that help is on the way
  • Use disposable gloves when blood or other bodily fluids are present
  • Contact your manager

Image of First Aid Sign First Aid Kit and Bulletin Board

Life Threatening Injury

If an injury is life threatening, call 911!

Minor Injuries

The restaurant is equipped with a first aid kit, and a first aid information board. The board has a list of the items in the first aid kit and written first aid procedures. There also is a log to fill out when you use any items from the kit.

Here below is what is posted on the first aid information board.

First Aid Kit Contents & Usage

The following listing has been prepared specifically for the needs of Aldridge, Inc. employees for self administered first aid as determined by the Occupational Medical Clinics of America and approved by Dr. Stanley Nuland, M.D. and OSHA.

Wound Care

Adhesive Bandages 1" X 3"
For minor cuts or bruises
Adhesive Bandages 2" X 3"
For minor cuts or bruises
Water-Jel Sterile Gel-Soaked Burn Dressings
For minor to severe burns. The immediate application of a gel-soaked burn dressing can reduce the chance of a higher degree burn.
Burn Jel Packets
Pain Relief for minor burns
First Aid Cream Packets
Minor cuts and burns. Antiseptic ointment to be used under a bandage for healing of minor cuts and burns.
Disinfectant Soap
Dispensers in restrooms and hand washing sinks for regular disinfecting of hands and to disinfect an area of minor injury.
Triangular Bandage
Can be used as a tourniquet to stop bleeding or to hold a compress in place or as a sling.
Compress, 5" X 9"
As a bandage for larger cuts or burns or to reduce bleeding when used along with triangular bandage above.

Acetaminophen, Tylenol-type
To reduce pain and swelling after injury. (Not for everyday headaches.)
Other Items

Zip-lock plastic bags
To hold ice cubes to create a cold pack used to reduce swelling.
Paper cups - 5oz.
For emergency eye wash
Body Fluid Disposal Kit
For safe disposal and handling of blood or other body fluids. Refer to instructions on kit.
Vinyl gloves (located in kitchen)
For handling blood or other body fluids.
CPR Barrier Shield
To protect when giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
First Aid Treatment Log
For creating a record of each use of the first aid kit.

First Aid Procedures

Who should give first aid?

If an injury requiring first aid occurs, self-administered first aid is advised. Never administer first aid to another person, nor have anyone else administer first aid to you.

What may be given?

The first aid supplies to be used for treating burns, cuts or other minor injuries common to food preparation and handling are found in the first aid kit.

When should first aid be given?

Administer first aid as soon as possible after the injury occurs.

Where should first aid be given?

Give first aid only in areas away from food preparation.

Why should first aid be given?

To prevent infection and promote healing.

What to do if injury goes beyond self-administered first aid?

  1. If injury is an emergency or is life threatening, dial 911.

  2. If injury is not an emergency or life threatening but still needs medical attention, report the incident to the manager, then seek treatment with your own doctor or the walk-in clinic listed on the First Aid information board.

  3. After receiving medical treatment, report the prognosis to the Aldridge, Inc. Office (271-5050).

In Case of Robbery!

Your personal safety is our number one concern.


  1. Know your surroundings and note changes in the environment
  2. Greet every customer and use direct eye contact
  3. Trust your "gut" feeling and instinct
  4. If you are suspicious of a someone's behavior, alert other employees if possible.
  5. Be aware of people monitoring business activity, nervousness or loitering.


  1. Remain calm
  2. Do exactly what the robber tells you to do
  3. Do not attempt to argue in any way
  4. Do not make sudden moves
  5. Make mental notes of suspect (description from head to toe, scars, odors)


  1. Press the silent holdup button immediately after the robber(s) have left the premises*.
  2. Write down mental notes as soon as possible
  3. Protect evidence that may be have been touched by the suspect (counter tops, demand notes, shoe prints).
  4. Call 911 even though you have pressed the silent holdup button.

*Silent Holdup Button

Each location is equipped with several hidden holdup buttons as follows:

  • Kitchen
  • Employee meal counter
  • Manager office

Ask to be shown exactly where the holdup buttons are and how to use them.

Button Procedures:

  • Do not make any sudden moves toward the button during a robbery.
  • Press the button after the robber(s) have left the premises.
  • Never press the holdup button for general customer disturbances!

Utility Emergency

Electric Outage

  1. Contact WE Energies at (800) 662-4797 to report and/or learn the time power will be restored.
  2. Contact your Store Manager to report the outage.

Gas Leak

If the leak seems minor, try to locate the source of the leak and turn off the gas to that area. Report the issue to the manager.

If the leak appears serious:

  1. Turn off and/or extinguish all pilot lights.
  2. Evacuate the store of all employees and customers.
  3. Call WE Energies at (800) 261-5325.
  4. If necessary, call 911.
  5. Contact your Store Manager.

FireImage of Ansul Pull Ring

  1. If it is a very small fire, attempt to extinguish the fire with the fire extinguisher.
  2. If the fire is under or in the exhaust hood, consider pulling the fire suppression pull ring depicted here.
  3. If there is any doubt about your ability to extinguish the fire, evacuate all employees and customers and call 911.
  4. Exit in a calm manner through the nearest exit. Meet outside of the restaurant at the front door area. This is the emergency evacuation checkpoint.
  5. If you suspect a co-worker or customer is still in the building, report this immediately to the fire department when they arrive.
  6. Remain at the Emergency Evacuation Checkpoint until the fire department announces that re-entry is permitted.
  7. Contact the store manager.

Tornado/Severe Weather

A tornado watch is issued when conditions are favorable for the formation of a tornado. Pay close attention to media outlets any changes in the weather. A tornado warning means at a funnel cloud has been sighted. A warning siren will signal that a tornado warning is in effect.

If a tornado warning is issued, take the following steps:

Certification of Training

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Copyright © 2025 Aldridge, Inc.
The material in this site cannot be republished either online or offline, without our permission.