- Wash your hands
- Locate the Bagging Pan
- Put one large bag of fries in the pan.
- Pour the large bag of fries into the bagging pan.
- Scoop fries and fill small bags
weighing to 5 oz each.
- Adjust small bags by taking a few fries out or adding a few fries
to get to 5 oz each.
- Locate plastic cambro food pan.
- Align the small bags nicely into cambro food pans. It will take
2-3 cambro food pans for a large bag of fries.
- Continue with the next large bag.
- Fill out and place a prep lable on the cambro
food pan.
- Continue with the next large bag.
Important: It should not take more than about 45 min
uninterrupted to complete one case of fries, containing six large