French Fry Bagging Instructions


  1. Wash your hands
  2. Locate the Bagging Pan
  3. Put one large bag of fries in the pan.
  4. Pour the large bag of fries into the bagging pan.
  5. Scoop fries and fill small bags weighing to 5 oz each.
  6. Adjust small bags by taking a few fries out or adding a few fries to get to 5 oz each.
  7. Locate plastic cambro food pan.
  8. Align the small bags nicely into cambro food pans. It will take 2-3 cambro food pans for a large bag of fries.
  9. Continue with the next large bag.
  10. Fill out and place a prep lable on the cambro food pan.
  11. Continue with the next large bag.

Important: It should not take more than about 45 min uninterrupted to complete one case of fries, containing six large bags.

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